Friday, December 2, 2011


Day after Mahatma Gandhi died.

The chief immersion ceremony took place at Allahabad , in the United Provinces, at the confluence of the sacred Ganges, the Jumna and the Saraswati. A special train of 5 third class carriages left Delhi at 4 A.M. on 11 February; Gandhi always traveled third.

Reading Louis Fischer, The life of Mahatma Gandhi. After being stung by Agha Shahid Ali's poetry, which gave me the poetry fever and in the heat of which I bought myself Shakespeare and Modern Critical interpretations- A mid summer night's dream by Harold Bloom. I now regret for not having enough time to read, but definitely on my list of books to read in 2012 and if the world decides on not coming to an end I might have a chance of getting rid of my regret/s and feel a hollow sense of accomplishment. I now spend  my free time by drinking a couple of pages of this superb Biography before going to bed. Really.

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